Renewal reminder call script
Prepare for the call:
Research your customer’s purchase history, anniversary date, and VIP membership ID. Make sure you are familiar with exactly what license types they currently subscribe to. Understand if they are moving from introductory pricing to full pricing at this renewal and make sure you have renewal pricing and/or a quote ready.
Open the call:
“Good morning/afternoon. My name is [insert name], and I’m calling from [insert reseller] regarding your Adobe [insert product name] renewal. May I please speak with [insert customer’s name]?”
If... |
Then... |
You reach the customer’s voicemail | Proceed with Voicemail script below |
A gatekeeper answers the call | Proceed with Gatekeeper Navigation script below |
The customer answers the call | Proceed with Renewal reminder script below |
Voicemail script:
Leave the following voicemail message: “My name is [insert name], and I’m calling from [insert reseller] regarding your recent Adobe [insert product name] purchase. I will try to reach you again tomorrow. If you need assistance, please call me at [insert number].”
Gatekeeper Navigation script:
You: “Hello. May I please speak with [insert customer’s name]?”
Gatekeeper: May I ask who is calling?
You: “My name is [insert name here], and I’m calling from [insert reseller here] regarding [insert customer’s name] Adobe [insert product name] renewal. I wanted to review the membership and discuss renewal arrangements.”
Gatekeeper: Just one moment.
You: “Thank you.”
Renewal Reminder script:
You: “Hello. Thank you for taking my call today. Your VIP membership [insert VIP membership ID] consisting of [insert number of seats] is due for renewal on [insert date]. My goal is to help you through the renewal process and keep your licenses compliant.”
At this point in the conversation, take a moment to clarify their needs and identify opportunities for upsell:
- “How has your past year with [insert product name] been?”
- “I would like to review your current membership with you, and make sure the plan is still meeting your needs.”
- “Do you have budget confirmed to renew all of your seats, or do you need me to resend the quote to secure approval?”
- “Are there any additional licenses you need this year? Have you added any new members to your team who will need access to [insert product name]?”
- “Are there others in your organization who might also benefit from the power of Creative Cloud or Acrobat DC? Adobe subscription software offers predictable budgeting, so now would be a convenient time to add new seats to your membership plan.”
- "Do you ever use stock photography in your projects? Adobe Stock can be added to both Creative Cloud for teams Single App and All Apps for a small, additional fee."
- “What are the steps involved in the budget and renewal approval process? What could derail the process and keep the renewal from closing? How can I assist?”
Allow the customer to respond to each question. Listen for upsell opportunities. The most important outcome for your customer is timely renewal of their purchased seats, prior to their anniversary date and at the correct price.
If the customer would like to renew immediately, follow the process for renewal and close the call:
You: “Is there anything else I can help you with today? Thank you again for your time, and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any assistance.”
If the customer would like to think about it, let them know you will reach out again in a few weeks and close the call:
You: “I will reach out to you again in a few weeks to check on your renewal process. In the meantime, is there anything else I can help you with today? Thank you again for your time, and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any assistance.”