Welcome call script
Prepare for the call:
Make sure you have reviewed the weekly deployment report so you understand where your customer is in their deployment journey.
Open the call:
“Good morning/afternoon. My name is [insert name], and I’m calling from [insert reseller] regarding your recent Adobe [insert product name] purchase. May I please speak with [insert customer’s name]?”
If... |
Then... |
You reach the customer’s voicemail | Proceed with Voicemail script below |
A gatekeeper answers the call | Proceed with Gatekeeper Navigation script below |
The customer answers the call | Proceed with Customer Welcome call flow below |
Voicemail script:
Leave the following voicemail message: “My name is [insert name], and I’m calling from [insert reseller] regarding your recent Adobe [insert product name]
purchase. I will try to reach you again tomorrow. If you need assistance, please call me at [insert number].”
Gatekeeper Navigation script:
You: “Hello. May I please speak with [insert customer’s name]?”
Gatekeeper: May I ask who is calling?
You: “My name is [insert name], and I’m calling from [insert reseller] regarding [insert customer’s name] recent Adobe [insert product name]
purchase. I wanted to follow up on deployment and see if [insert customer’s name] required any assistance.”
Gatekeeper: Just one moment.
You: “Thank you.”
Customer Welcome call flow:
If... |
Then... |
The customer is 100% deployed | Proceed with Customer Congratulations script below |
The customer is not 100% deployed |
Proceed with Customer Welcome script below |
Customer Congratulations script:
You: “Hello. Thank you for taking my call today. Congratulations on successfully deploying all of your [insert product name] licenses. How has your experience been with deploying [insert product name and using the Admin Console?”
Allow the customer to respond. Be sure to note if they share any areas where they are struggling with implementation. Also be actively listening for any comments regarding current or future projects or requirements. Use this as an opportunity to continue to develop your relationship and understanding of their business.
You: “I just wanted to remind you that I am here to support you if you have any questions or concerns. I will follow up with a quick email to share my contact details. Thanks again and have a great day!”
Customer Welcome script:
You: “Hello. Thank you again for your recent [insert product name] purchase. I wanted to take a moment to check in with you. My latest report shows that you have deployed XX seats so far. You still have XX seats available to you. Is there anything I can do to support that implementation?”
Allow the customer to respond. Be sure to note if they share any areas where they are struggling with implementation. Also listen for any comments regarding current or future projects or requirements. Reassure them that if they assign the remaining seats to team members today and change their mind later, they can quickly and easily re-assign the licenses at any time. Your target outcome for this call is helping the customer deploy 100% of their licenses.
You: “I will send a follow up email with support links that may help you with your implementation. Is there anything else I can help you with today? Thank you again for your time, and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any assistance.”