Acrobat DC 2015 end of support extension
Please use this additional time to make sure your customers understand:
- Migrating to Acrobat DC can help keep remote teams productive with PDF tools and services that enable them to collaborate and work from any location, across desktop and mobile devices.
- Acrobat DC can reduce IT burden by streamlining management and deployment of licenses via the Admin Console.
- Customers who remain on Acrobat DC 2015 after the extended support period ends on July 7 may be at risk of business disruption. Security updates will no longer be available, and Acrobat DC 2015 may no longer be compatible with future Microsoft operating system releases.
Acrobat DC migration offers are available when they move from Acrobat DC 2015 (perpetual) to Acrobat DC subscription in the Value Incentive Plan (VIP). Offer dates have been extended to August 31, 2020.
We will be updating the Acrobat 2015 End of Support campaign kit that is now available on Consumer & Business Connections (CBC) to reflect the new end of support date for Acrobat DC 2015 and the new migration offer end date. (You must be signed in as an Adobe employee or partner to access this content.) Contact your Adobe Channel Account manager for information on accessing customer lists, pricing, and SKUs.